变化即将来临,欧洲药品质量管理局 (EDQM)近日宣布,欧洲药典许可和出版模式即将迎来重大更新。
从第 EP12.1开始,欧洲药典将完全在线提供,所有文本都可在改进的、用户友好的平台上供订阅者使用。会用一种更直观的方法,更现代化的界面,快速高效地访问所需的内容,具有更强的搜索功能、高效的仪表板、新的过滤器和属性等等。
Change is in the air, and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM) would like to give you, as an important stakeholder, advance notice of the improvements coming to the European Pharmacopoeia licencing and publication models. The upcoming changes will make it easier to access and use, more environmentally friendly and better able to meet your requirements and needs for many years to come.
Starting with Issue 12.1, the European Pharmacopoeia will be available exclusively online, with all texts available to subscribers on an improved, user-friendly platform. You will discover a more visual approach with a modern, intuitive interface for quick and efficient access to the content you need, featuring enhanced search capabilities, a time-saving dashboard, new filters and attributes, and much more.
An annual edition consisting of three issues (numbered 12.1 to 12.3), corresponding to the European Pharmacopoeia Commission sessions in 2025 at which new and revised texts are adopted, will replace the former three-year cycle comprising one edition and eight supplements. Likewise, a 365-day licencing model will be introduced, with simplified licence management.
The European Pharmacopoeia will transition to the new platform and publication models to ease in the changes. All subscriptions to the 11th Edition will remain valid during the transitional period until the end of 2025. As of 1 January 2026, only the new platform will be available.